Trees: Hamburg
An app that shows the street trees of Hamburg along with their location, species and other information.
A technology-themed podcast (Think Different) largely discussing books, software industry, Apple, and related technologies in Turkish.
I have a passion for reading books, and what excites me even more is engaging in discussions about them. To keep track of my reading list, I rely on Goodreads, where I connect with like-minded individuals to unearth fresh literary treasures. It was during this journey that I discovered Seyfeddin and I had a shared love for the same books. This revelation led to the idea of starting a podcast where we could explore and converse about the books we both enjoyed. Seyfeddin was just as enthusiastic about the idea as I was, and that’s how our podcast journey began, albeit with no clear destination in sight.
Books were not our sole common interest; we shared a deep fascination with all things Apple. Hence, our podcast got its name, “Think Different” (or “Farklı Düşün” in Turkish), and our first episode revolved around the highlights of WWDC 2021. As time went on, we delved into discussions on the software industry, technology trends, privacy concerns, personal experiences, and a wide array of thought-provoking topics.
Our podcast struck a chord with software developers and individuals keen on learning and staying updated with the latest in technology and literature. We also began inviting fascinating guests to our show, allowing us to converse with notable figures such as Koray Birand, Bilgem Çakır, and many more.
As we continued our podcasting journey, we amassed over 120 episodes, each spanning approximately 2 hours, and garnered an audience of around 3,000 listeners per episode. Our podcast has now become one of Turkey’s most renowned tech podcasts.